Monday, April 11, 2011

Some Fails

I thought it was only fair to mention my recent failures, if only to convince myself that I'm not running behind schedule... some stuff will just take some time and won't go well the first time! #88 Eat in Chinatown I had plans with Ed Cruz, Edric Cruz, and Nader Elmasri to head to Chinatown last Thursday. Edric & Norris Narsa wanted us to wait until later due to homework and work. Nader just wanted to watch the Bulls game somehow. Ed wanted to go early because he had "something else to do later." Now that I know what that something was, I should have just gone with Edric, Nader, & Norris. But alas, instead it's postponed. Hopefully we will attempt again on April 21 or 28. Edric won't commit though. He lives his life minute by minute. #80 Complete a Triathlon I was going to count the Red Bird Challenge at Illinois State University as my triathlon as it included a 2-mile canoe, 8-mile bike, and 3-mile run. I went with 3 students: Sarah Tyre, Matt Madia, and Davisson Benson. However, the morning of the race, the organizers annouced that the 25-mile-an-hour winds were going to eliminate the canoe portion. So instead, we portaged (carried canoes) for a MILE AND A HALF. It was ridiculous. Then we ran 3 miles with some "mystery challenges" - using ropes to get across mud, doing a cargo net climb (that was bunched up due to the lack of canoeing), army crawling through mud - and then biked 8 miles, with some "mystery challenges" - tying our bikes together in pairs, doing some weird orienteering / crossword event that took forever, and then a blindfolded Lego challenge that we dominated. We don't know yet what place we came in but we did beat one ROTC co-ed team. I'm not counting it as a triathlon since there was no water portion. Bummer. (Pictures to be added once Sarah posts them. We were a delightful, muddy mess.)


  1. And yes, I am giving these folks credit for helping me even though they were fails. Don't worry, I won't give them credit twice for the same thing if they do help me accomplish it. There were some genuine efforts here though.

  2. I tried.. we will go to Chinatown for a meal! ;)
