Friday, April 1, 2011

#29 Go to an International Soccer Game

I wasn't so sure this one was going to happen and it was AWESOME! Thanks to some overlap with my dear friend Al, the inventor of the list's, list, he found us some tickets to the US - Argentina game at the Meadowlands! So not only did I get to go to an international soccer game, I got to see the US play against the current best player in the world: MESSI. It was so much fun to see all the boys I watched so religiously this summer in person. Clint Dempsey, I love you. Messi was riDICulous though. We nearly witnessed one of the best goals ever... if it hadn't been for the ref actually blowing his whistle and stopping the play once Messi broke away after dribbling through 5 or 6 US players.

The crowd was mixed and great. We were sitting by some friendly, fun US fans. I was particularly greatful for being from a country whose name is easy to chant. "U-S-A! U-S-A!" is much easier than "Ar-gen-tina! Ar-gen-tina!"

In the pics, that's Messi in the orange shoes... And Timmy Howard kicking some ass in the yellow!

It ended in a 1-1 draw but it was crazy cool to witness players of that caliber in person. (Again, I should say... I did say Man U - Barca in Philly six or so years ago, which is where my Man U fandom comes from. Those fans are CARAzy.)

Thanks, Al! Great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I still have problems standing after thinking about that potential Messi goal.
