Thursday, July 7, 2011

# 83 Have Dinner in 3 Neighborhoods I Have Never Been To

I thought this would be an easy one. I like food. I like new neighborhoods. Chicago has lots of fun neighborhoods. Cake. (Yum.)

It was not easy.

It turns out I've been to pretty much all of the neighborhoods on the north and west sides. Yeah, I was surprised too.

The dinners had to be in neighborhoods I had never BEEN to, so as long as I could say, "I played sofball in Pilsen" or "I've been to the DMV in Jefferson Park," they were just as off limits as "I live in North Center." (Yes, that's a place. It's where I live. I swear. It's between Lincoln Square and Roscoe Village. I swear. I know you've lived here all your life and you've never heard of it. It's a thing. No, really. It's a thing. There's a big pillar at Damen, Irving, and Lincoln that says "North Center." Yes, I know you remember seeing that now. That's the neighborhood name. Yep, weird.)

The first new neighborhood was a double dipper, so I already wrote about it. Edmund Cruz, Edric Cruz, and NAdar Elmasri accompanied me to Chinatown where we had a lovely but rushed meal. You can read about that back a few posts.

The second new neighborhood was Little Village with Edmund Cruz and Chris Zann. We had some delish Mexican food. I don't remember what they all were except that mine was a combo of delicious things and Ed had stuffed peppers. And we had margaritas. And then we went to see Lefko.

The third new neighborhood was Little Italy with Alan Fortunate (appropriate). We had a lovely, romantic 5pm dinner at an Italian tapas-type place. I had a hearts of palm salad; Al had some pasta; and we shared a pizza. Yum.

New neighborhoods: explored. I do think I'll try to eat in some of the ones I've just BEEN to, like Pilsen. I've heard good things. And this whole city is delicious. Might as well keep eating my way through it.

I am so hungry right now. Bubble tea, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. I'm having trouble uploading the rest of the pictures. Soon...
