Thursday, December 8, 2022

#13 - Watch 3 More Movies From the AFI List

I'm very thankful for the American Film Institute for putting together this list because it has definitely gotten me to view some films I never would have even considered. That said, from the three I watched this year: 1 meh, 1 great, and 1 wtf. I'm even using the 10th anniversary updated list. I do not understand why some of these films are considered great--the best, even--and I just don't care enough about them to look more into it. These are supposed to be the best films, and I'm not so sure they are.

5. Singing in the Rain (1952)

#5 on the list? Of all time? I don't get it. The dancing is great. The cinematography and effects, considering the year it was made, are incredible. The acting is decent. But the story. Meh. It's literally two successful men, one of their girlfriends--who would like to be an actress, and some other administrators bullying a successful woman because they don't like the sound of her voice. Pass.

11. City Lights (1931)

Honestly, this film was hilarious. The plot was a bit tired and nonsensical, but clearly, the plot was not the purpose of this film. It was all about the physical comedy of Charlie Chaplin. I'm not generally into slapstick, but wow, Chaplin is incredible. My favorite was the boxing scene. Brilliant choreography and performances.

12. The Searchers (1956)

Why? Why is this on the UPDATED list? It's just a Western with renegade cowboy types (including John Wayne himself) chasing super duper stereotypical portrayals of Indigenous people in the Southwest United States. Obvi, the Indigenous people, who are called all kinds of derogatory names in the film, are the bad guys, just raping and murdering and kidnapping and selling women as wives. And the little girl they're trying to find... her perspective was inconsistent and it was completely unclear why she changed her mind--I'm assuming it's because she's a lady person who is completely unreasonable and illogical. And the supposed romance? Girl, ew. Move on. That guy sucks. What do you even like about him? I mean, the other guy sucks too, but at least he's around. And the acting wasn't good either. It was just cheesy
Western and posturing. Ick. 

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