Wednesday, June 22, 2011

#89 Wine Tasting at Lush

Rebecca was in town last weekend! I got a couple hours with her on Sunday and man, did we ever use them effectively. We completed a 2+-year-old gift and then headed to Lush when I confirmed that their tastings are, indeed, complimentary. (Um... why have I never done this before? Why don't I go EVERY weekend?)

We arrived to find that that week's theme was ugly labels! That's fun.

We had 6 tastings: 2 whites, 3 reds, and 1 honey mead. We learned a lot. And had a delightful time.

The whites were fine. The second one had a very silky mouthfeeling. (They described it that way. In Rebecca's own words: "It's like lotion for my mouth!")

The reds got progressively more delicious and more expensive. Some of the labels were very ugly. There was one Rebecca liked, but, as she explained to the bartender, she has terrible taste.

(Becs, you're going to have to help me remember your other legendary comments. They were brilliant. I just have a terrible memory.)

The honey mead was a bit of a surprise. We thought we were done, when wham! They had us rinse our glasses with water (I'm an expert, having been to Napa twice) and then filled them with a golden liquid called honey mead. I was excited and it smelled very strongly of honey and I LOVE honey. The taste was strange. I liked it enough to drink it. Liked it enough to finish Rebecca's even. She... well, did not like it. She made this face.

After dinner, we took our light wine buzz to the Guatamalan restaurant on Roscoe where we were not treated to free guacamole.

The end.

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