Saturday, December 15, 2018

#9 - Go to 50 Group Fitness Classes

1 - Primary Crossfit
It was also on my list to try Crossfit. So I figured I'd start this list item with that one. Since that one is a stand-alone list item, I'll leave the in-depth description for that post.

2 - Sound Healing
The DePaul Women's Network offers a wide variety of workshops on campus. When the one for Sound Healing came out, I was taken back to some emotional yoga classes that ended with the singing of crystal bowls. Yeah, it's super hippy/new age, and I'm into it. It's so helpful for me to take time in my day to check in with my body and mind, to notice what I'm feeling. A full hour of Sound Healing felt like exactly what I needed at the moment, three weeks into a busy quarter where I hadn't been still often. Unfortunately, the people coordinating the event didn't pass on yoga etiquette to the attendees, so one person came 35 minutes late and then negotiated with the instructor to stay while the rest of us were taken out of the moment. Then, during the sound bath at the end, it was apparent the person checking the second class in told them to wait outside the studio, so there were 15-20 women chatting loudly just outside the door. I tried to let the distraction go and be in the moment, but I just couldn't do it. I've been battling some anxiety where my thoughts race and I can't focus, and that moment felt like a metaphor for it: the chattering distracting me from being present in the things I wanted to do. But, overall, the instructor was delightful and I would totally go again if offered the opportunity.

3 - Yoga
I have 3 instructors at DePaul that I like so far. I've put their classes on my schedule with the intention to go twice a week. Here's a start!

4 - Yoga

5 - ?

6 - ?

7 - Yoga

8 - Yoga

9 - Yoga

10 - Yoga

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